Finance Committee Minutes 1/14/10
Finance Committee Meeting Minutes
Jan. 14, 2010
Dan Moriarity
Michael Storch
Stan Ross

A memo was sent to boards and committees to please sign the budget request submissions. 
The submision request time was corrected to be Feb.1 rather than Feb. 7

Highway Dept. 
The salt shed loan --Will it be activated in this fiscal year ?            

The engineering stdy for Rt. 23 in the 2010 budget --How will it effect the 2011 budget ?

Salt and Sand  excess--Is it funded from free cash ?
Call for meeting  with Maynaed to review  the dept. equipment replacement schedule.

Fire Dept 
Call for a meeting with Ray Tryon to review his budget request.

Insurance et al :
Review with Pat Mielke the pricing and renewal of policies.

Police Dept.
Review with the chief the police officer line item and the payment of the part time officers.